Adult Outpatient Treatment

The Adult Outpatient Treatment (TRA) program is designed to meet the needs of adults who have been screened and are in need of substance abuse treatment.

Clients must be medically and mentally stable, and willing to commit to a program of abstinence. BVCASA uses the Matrix program, which is an evidence based program as required by the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Services are 8 weeks, 4 nights a week, 3 hours a night. Attendance at and participation in 12-Step Support meetings is encouraged. The program consists of 10 hours of psycho-education and 2 hours of process group weekly. Groups meet Monday thru Thursday. A minimum of one individual session is provided each client per week unless a crisis occurs. Sessions are conducted by a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC), a Counselor Intern (CI) or a Licensed Professional Counselor Intern (LPCI).

The Adult Outpatient Treatment – Specialized Females (TRF) program is specifically designed for women who are either pregnant, have children in foster care, or have children under age 18. Process groups are conducted separately.

Some of the topics covered are: Health Issues; Parenting; Tobacco Cessation; Recovery Skills; 12-Step Wisdom; Drug Education; Thinking Errors; Cognitive Intervention; The Reproductive System; Relapse Prevention; Guild and Shame; Social Support groups; Developing and Implementing Personal Goals; Family Dynamics; Fulfillment of Basic Needs; HIV/STD Prevention; Personal Goals and Recovery

The program serves adults ages 18 and up who have been screened and are appropriate for Outpatient Treatment Services.


BVCASA offers a 6 week parenting program, held 2 times a week (a total of 12 sessions), using an Evidenced Based Practice curriculum for parents identified as substance abusers.


We accept Medicaid, Value Options Insurance, Scott and White HMO, and Self-Pay.  Those who qualify with no payer source might be eligible to have the cost of their treatment covered by a grant with the Department of State Health Services.  No one will be denied due to inability to pay!  Please call (979) 846-3560 for more information or to schedule a screening.

Download the Adult Outpatient Treatment brochure here!