Supportive Outpatient Continuum of Care (SOCC)

The Supportive Outpatient Continuum of Care (SOCC) program is designed as a continuum of care for adults who have completed substance abuse treatment (Phase I & II) of a Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF). Clients must be medically and mentally stable, and willing to commit to a program of abstinence.  Texas Department of Criminal Justice requires that the curriculum for treatment services be evidence based; the curriculum used is called Seeking Safety.  Services are 9 months in duration, 2 nights a week, 2 hours each night. One night a week peer support (peer driven) is provided.  Clients must attend peer support to complete the overall TDCJ funded program.  Participation in 12-Step Support meetings are mandatory.  The program consists of 3 hours of psycho-education, 1 hour of process group, and 1 hour of peer support weekly.  Groups meet Monday thru Thursday.  A minimum of one individual session is provided for each client per month; however, in the first 3 months of treatment the client will attend 2 individual sessions per month.  Sessions are conducted by a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC), and/or a Counselor Intern (CI).

Some of the topics covered are:  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Asking for Help; Health Issues, HIV/STD Prevention; Tobacco Cessation; Recovery Skills; Triggers; Honesty, 12-Step Wisdom; Drug Education; Setting Boundaries Relationships; Self Nurturing; Healing from Anger; Life Choices; Thinking Errors/Cognitive Intervention; Relapse Prevention; Guilt and Shame; Developing and Implementing Personal Goals; Family Dynamics; Personal Goals and Recovery.

In addition to SOCC in Bryan, BVCASA offers SOCC in Huntsville, Brenham, and Caldwell.

Population Served/Client Base

The program serves ex-offenders (prison SAFP) ages 18 and older.